Faith & Justice Commission
Rooted in God’s life and love, we, the Faith and Justice Commission, come together to be active in promoting JUSTICE, LOVE AND PEACE; to identify the tensions experienced by people as they live their faith; and to support, nurture and celebrate each other. In all our work, we attempt to use the methodology of the 'pastoral cycle', a prophetic, Christian way of examining the world and acting to change it. Reflection & Prayer >> Action >> Experience >> Analysis
This is what Yahweh asks of you: to act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with your God” Micah 6:8

Commission Members
The Commission has a rolling membership of volunteers from across the Diocese of Lancaster.
Commission President: Rt Rev Paul Swarbrick.
Chair: The Rev Canon Hugh Pollock.
Commission Members: The Rev Anthony Gaskin (Co Vice-Chair), Shirelle Cooper (Treasurer), Dr Stephen Garsed (Environmental Lead), Terry Mattinson, Christine Smith.
CAFOD Observers to the Commission: Patrick Gardener, Emma Nolan.
Faith & Justice Worker: Sue Grubic.
Weaving a web in which the strands of justice and peace are strong and supportive.

Winter 2024

Autumn 2024

Summer 2024
Environmental Justice Group
Members: Dr Stephen Garsed ( Environmental Lead), Canon Hugh Pollock, Sr Margaret Atkins, Sue Grubic and Jane Pendlenton.
We work towards putting the goals and objectives of Pope Francis' 'Laudato Si' encyclical into practice. As Christians we recognise in creation, the work of the Creator, and for many, creation becomes a beginning, the first steps towards knowing the Lord. How we live matters. How we live expresses what we believe. How we live reveals something of the God we follow and worship. Creation is entrusted to us as a foretaste of heaven, to be respected and cared for.
Download and read our charter, outlining our beliefs, the challenges we face and our commitment to safeguard the integrity of the whole of life.
Upcoming Events
Notable events of interest happening across the Diocese of Lancaster and further afield:
MAR 02
Church Action on Poverty Sunday
APR 05
A Day of Reflection on the Jubilee Year

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